I'm trying to use the data of an ajax call in my custom wordpress admin menu page.
The wp_localize_script
is working fine:
wp_enqueue_script( 'ajax-function', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'JavaScript/ajax-function.js', array( 'jquery' ), $this->version,false );
wp_localize_script('ajax-function', 'WP_MY_AJAX',
'security' => wp_create_nonce('wp-my-nonce'),
'success' => 'this is a success',
'error' => 'an error occurred'
If I click the button, my ajax fires and it has a status of 200.
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
let message = jQuery('.table-message');
jQuery('#ajax-test').on('click', function () {
let data = 111;
url: ajaxurl,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
action: 'get_edit_id',
security: WP_MY_AJAX.security,
edit_id: data
success: function ( response ) {
//Do something
error: function ( error ) {
message.after('<div class="error"><p>' + WP_ESCORT_AJAX.error + '</p></div>');
I end up in this function, which is located in my main plugin file.
function my_escort_get_edit_id() {
check_ajax_referer('wp-escort-nonce', 'security');
echo $_POST['edit_id']
add_action('wp_ajax_get_edit_id', 'my_escort_get_edit_id');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_get_edit_id', 'my_escort_get_edit_id');
However my goal is to work with the $_POST['edit_id']
in my admin menu page function:
function my_custom_admin_menu() {
__( 'My Menu', 'my-menu' ),
__( 'My Menu', 'my-menu' ),
3 ) ;
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'my_custom_admin_menu' );
function my_admin_page_function() {
require_once __DIR__ . '/View/Admin/Partials/cover-menu-models.php';
$controller = new ModelController();
$modelQuery = $controller->modelQuery('all');
echo $controller->renderModelDataTables($modelQuery, 'all');
//I need the id here
How can I achive this?
question from: