I am running a loop to pull data from an API. Specifically I have a large dataset of species and am using the International Union for Conservation of Nature's API to pull the threats facing 10,000 plus species. The loop I am using to pull this information is -
result <- vector('list', length(df$scientific_name))
for (i in df$scientific_name) {
result[[i]] <- rl_threats(name=i, key = '1234', parse = TRUE)
This successfully passes in the species name (scientific name) for i and pulls threats for that species. However the issue is the output is not particularly usable for me. The output is a list with 3 layers of nesting like this -
>Species name
>Results data frame _by_
This output is hard to do analyses on and I would like to transform it into a dataframe
This code below worked to transform individual species in the list into a dataframe, but I need to do this for each of the 10,000 plus species in the dataset. I am guessing writing a new loop or modifying the above loop would be the best way to do this, but couldn't figure out how to make it work.
Ideal output would be a dataframe that looks like
species name threat code threat title
Thanks for any help!
Per request this is what the output looks like from the dput command
list(`Myxine glutinosa` = list(name = "Myxine glutinosa", result = structure(list(
code = c("5.4", "5.4.2"), title = c("Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",
"Intentional use: (large scale) [harvest]"), timing = c("Ongoing",
"Ongoing"), scope = c(NA, NA), severity = c(NA, NA), score = c("Low Impact: 3",
"Low Impact: 3"), invasive = c(NA, NA)), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1:2)),
`Myxine ios` = list(name = "Myxine ios", result = list()),
`Lampetra fluviatilis` = list(name = "Lampetra fluviatilis",
result = list()), `Lethenteron camtschaticum` = list(
name = "Lethenteron camtschaticum", result = structure(list(
code = c("5.4", "5.4.1", "7.2", "7.2.11"), title = c("Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",
"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",
"Dams & water management/use", "Dams (size unknown)"
), timing = c("Ongoing", "Ongoing", "Ongoing", "Ongoing"
), scope = c("Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown"
), severity = c("Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown",
"Unknown"), score = c("Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown",
"Unknown"), invasive = c(NA, NA, NA, NA)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
4L))), `Petromyzon marinus` = list(name = "Petromyzon marinus",
result = list()), `Carcharhinus altimus` = list(name = "Carcharhinus altimus",
result = structure(list(code = c("5.4", "5.4.3", "5.4.4"
), title = c("Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",
"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",
"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]"), timing = c("Ongoing",
"Ongoing", "Ongoing"), scope = c("Majority (50-90%)",
"Majority (50-90%)", "Majority (50-90%)"), severity = c("Slow, Significant Declines",
"Slow, Significant Declines", "Slow, Significant Declines"
), score = c("Medium Impact: 6", "Medium Impact: 6",
"Medium Impact: 6"), invasive = c(NA, NA, NA)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
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