I'm still not sure whether I fully understand, but here is what I think you might want.
So, you have events which are just counted from 1, ... N. These events do not occur in regular timesteps. Sometimes after 1 second, some times after 2 seconds. In order to plot this you simply have to sum up all these time differences, e.g. in a variable t
### add variable stepsize for x-values
reset session
$Data <<EOD
1 1 100
2 1 50
3 1 70
4 2 130
5 2 40
6 2 20
7 2 30
8 1 50
9 1 88
10 1 93
set grid x
plot t=0 $Data u (t):(t=t+$2,$3) w lp pt 7 notitle
### end of code
Here is another attempt trying to understand what you mean.
That's what I understand now from your question and comments.
You have events and the distance between them are as follows:
Distance between 1,2,3 should be 1, between 3,4,5,6,7 should be 2, between 7,8,9,10 should be 1.
# event 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# distance 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
Code: (you can skip the second line of the plot command. It's just to show event number)
### add variable stepsize for x-values
reset session
$Data <<EOD
1 1 100
2 1 50
3 1 70
4 2 130
5 2 40
6 2 20
7 2 30
8 1 50
9 1 88
10 1 93
set grid x
set offsets 0,1,0,0
plot t=0 $Data u (t=t+$2):3 w lp pt 7 notitle,
t=0 '' u (t=t+$2):3:1 w labels offset 0,1 notitle
### end of code