I can't add a new Rent - association table, I have something like that:
Now i have error. I don't know why the client_id is null there
(node:14200) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: SequelizeValidationError: notNull Violation: Rent.client_id cannot be null,
notNull Violation: Rent.car_id cannot be null,
notNull Violation: Rent.dateOd cannot be null
piece of bulkCreate method, and it works
{client_id: allClients[0]._id, car_id: allCars[0]._id, dateOd:
'2001-01-01', dateDo: '2009-01-01'},
{client_id: allClients[1]._id, car_id: allCars[0]._id, dateOd: '2001-02-01', dateDo: '2009-02-01'},
const Rent = sequelize.define('Rent', {
_id: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
autoIncrement: true,
allowNull: false,
primaryKey: true
client_id: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
allowNull: false
car_id: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
allowNull: false
},dateOd: {
type: Sequelize.DATE,
allowNull: false
Client.hasMany(Rent, {as: 'rents', foreignKey: {name: 'client_id', allowNull: false}, constraints: true, onDelete: 'CASCADE'});
Rent.belongsTo(Client, {as: 'client', foreignKey: {name: 'client_id', allowNull: false} } );
Car.hasMany(Rent, {as: 'rents', foreignKey: {name: 'car_id', allowNull: false}, constraints: true, onDelete: 'CASCADE'});
Rent.belongsTo(Car, {as: 'car', foreignKey: {name: 'car_id', allowNull: false} });
Method for routing
exports.showAddRentForm = (req, res, next) => {
let allClients, allCars;
.then(clients => {
allClients = clients;
return CarRepository.getCars();
.then(cars => {
allCars = cars;
res.render('pages/rent/form', {
rent: {},
formMode: 'createNew',
allClients: allClients,
allCars: allCars,
formAction: '/rent/add',
input form, car looks same
<label for="clients">Client:<abbr title="required" aria-label="required">*</abbr></label>
<select id="clients" name="clients" required <%= (formMode == 'showDetails') ? 'disabled' : ''%> >
<% for (let i=0; i<allClients.length; i++) { let client = allClients[i]; %>
<option value="<%= client._id %>" label="<%= client.firstName + ' ' + client.lastName %>"
<%= (rent._id && client._id.toString() == rent.client._id.toString()) ? 'selected' : ''%>></option>
<% } %>
<label for="dataOd" >Data od:<abbr title="required" aria-label="required">*</abbr></label>
<input type="date" name="From" id="From" value="<%= rent.dataOd%>"
<%= (formMode == 'showDetails') ? 'disabled' : '' %>/>
<span id="errorDataOd" class="errors-text"></span>
Error code i received
Executing (default): SELECT `Rent`.`_id`, `Rent`.`client_id`, `Rent`.`car_id`, `Rent`.`dateOd`, `Rent`.`dateDo`, `Rent`.`createdAt`, `Rent`.`updatedAt`, `client`.`_id` AS `client._id`, `client`.`firstName` AS `client.firstName`, `client`.`lastName` AS `client.lastName`, `client`.`lastName2` AS `client.lastName2`, `client`.`city` AS `client.city`, `client`.`pesel` AS `client.pesel`, `client`.`createdAt` AS `client.createdAt`, `client`.`updatedAt` AS `client.updatedAt`, `car`.`_id` AS `car._id`, `car`.`marka` AS `car.marka`, `car`.`model` AS `car.model`, `car`.`proDate` AS `car.proDate`, `car`.`createdAt` AS `car.createdAt`, `car`.`updatedAt` AS `car.updatedAt` FROM `Rents` AS `Rent` LEFT OUTER JOIN `Clients` AS `client` ON `Rent`.`client_id` = `client`.`_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `Cars` AS `car` ON `Rent`.`car_id` = `car`.`_id`;
question from: