Remember that
log(n!) = log(1) + log(2) + ... + log(n-1) + log(n)
You can get the upper bound by
log(1) + log(2) + ... + log(n) <= log(n) + log(n) + ... + log(n)
= n*log(n)
And you can get the lower bound by doing a similar thing after throwing away the first half of the sum:
log(1) + ... + log(n/2) + ... + log(n) >= log(n/2) + ... + log(n)
= log(n/2) + log(n/2+1) + ... + log(n-1) + log(n)
>= log(n/2) + ... + log(n/2)
= n/2 * log(n/2)