I am using Azure ADB2C to authenticate my users to a web service. I also us custom policies to enrich the token generated by Azure ADB2C. This works fine.
Now I would like to add another service and for this I would like to use RabbitMq. To authenticate the users to the RabbitMq server, I would like to use RabbitMq's oauth2 plugin.
Basically I want to use the same jwt token that Azure ADB2C generates to authenticate&authorize users to the RabbitMq server.
For this to work, I need to supply RabbitMq with the UAA signing key that my custom Azure ADB2C policy is using.
This is an example from the RabbitMq oauth2:
%% ...
%% backend configuration
{rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2, [
{resource_server_id, <<"my_rabbit_server">>},
%% UAA signing key configuration
{key_config, [
{signing_keys, #{
<<"a-key-ID">> => {pem, <<"*-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----*">>}
But I cannot find this "PUBLIC KEY".
For example, looking at this demo key, there is no PUBLIC KEY as required by the RabbitMq oauth2 authenticator.
Where can I find the PUBLIC KEY of the Azure ADB2C custom policy that I want to use?