OK, I finally got TASM+TLINK to work with Windows 7 x64 ... (VirtualPC is not working properly any more :()
So here is one simple Tunnelers-like game for three players in TASM tiny
model (*.com).
It is unfinished (I moved to NASM at that time), but you can redefine keys, and move the cars with the keyboard (all players). This is how it looks like:
On the left is the main menu, on right the game (after hitting the 0
option). It should cover all the basics you need for your task. The source code is divided to three files:
Battle.asm - main game source file
mx equ 256
my equ 256
ox equ 104
oy equ 104
MODEL tiny
msg db '0 Start game.',0
db '1 Read info.',0
db '2 Redefine keyboard.',0
db '3 Exit to DOS.',0
db 'SPEKTRA software & hardware presents: Battle zone.',0
db 'ver: 2.0 x.4.1999 N.DCA SR',0
db 'Defined keys: ',0
msg1 db 5
db 'Battle zone.',13,13
db 'This is only a test version. The full version will be done soon.',13
db 'It will be slower, but the map will be larger!!! (min 768*256)',13
db 'Sound Blaster owners will have sound durring game.',13
msg2 db 'Player',0
db 'Left ',0
db 'Right ',0
db 'Up ',0
db 'Down ',0
db 'Fire ',0
msg2a db 'WARNING: do not use the extended keys of 101-keys keyboard'
db ' ie: End,arrows,...',0
msg2b db 'Press any key to continue.',0
keyn db 0,0 ;keyscan, keycode
db 1,1
db 2,'1'
db 3,'2'
db 4,'3'
db 5,'4'
db 6,'5'
db 7,'6'
db 8,'7'
db 9,'8'
db 10,'9'
db 11,'0'
db 12,'_'
db 13,'+'
db 14,27 ;backspace
db 15,29
db 16,'Q'
db 17,'W'
db 18,'E'
db 19,'R'
db 20,'T'
db 21,'Y'
db 22,'U'
db 23,'I'
db 24,'O'
db 25,'P'
db 26,'{'
db 27,'}'
db 28,1 ;enter
db 29,1
db 30,'A'
db 31,'S'
db 32,'D'
db 33,'F'
db 34,'G'
db 35,'H'
db 36,'J'
db 37,'K'
db 38,'L'
db 39,':'
db 40,'"'
db 41,'~'
db 42,24
db 43,''
db 44,'Z'
db 45,'X'
db 46,'C'
db 47,'V'
db 48,'B'
db 49,'N'
db 50,'M'
db 51,'<'
db 52,'>'
db 53,'?'
db 54,24
db 55,'*'
db 56,1
db 57,' '
db 58,1
db 59,1
db 60,1
db 61,1
db 62,1
db 63,1
db 64,1
db 65,1
db 66,1
db 67,1
db 68,1
db 69,1
db 70,1
db 71,'7'
db 72,'8'
db 73,'9'
db 74,'-'
db 75,'4'
db 76,'5'
db 77,'6'
db 78,'+'
db 79,'1'
db 80,'2'
db 81,'3'
db 82,'0'
db 83,'.' ;delete
db 87,1
db 88,1
keye db 28,1 ;enter
db 29,1
db 42,1
db 53,'/'
db 55,1
db 56,1
db 71,1
db 72,30
db 73,1
db 75,17
db 77,16
db 79,1
db 80,31
db 81,1
db 82,1
db 83,1 ;delete
key db 0,0,0 ;keyscan (word), key code(call keys)
fil0 db 'battle.gfx',0
fil1 db 'battle.lvl',0
gfx db 9216 dup (?)
pal db 768 dup (?)
car1 db 256 dup (?)
car2 db 256 dup (?)
car3 db 256 dup (?)
lvl db mx*my/256 dup (?)
carx dw ?,?,?
cary dw ?,?,?
plk1 db 33 dup (?) ;redefine (w), status keys (5 bit)
maps dw ?
jmp main
include 'file.inc'
include 'text.inc'
;;; Interrupts: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
int09: cli ;keyboard ... sets keyscan a
pushf ; key result pl.1,2,3
push ds
mov ds,[cs:dss]
in al,60h
sub ah,ah
mov [word ptr key],ax
in al,61h
mov ah,al
or al,80h
out 61h,al
xchg al,ah
out 61h,al
mov al,20h
out 20h,al
mov al,[key] ;handle extended keyscan
cmp al,224
jnz i09r0
mov [key+1],al
in al,60h
mov [key],al
in al,61h
mov ah,al
or al,80h
out 61h,al
xchg al,ah
out 61h,al
mov al,20h
out 20h,al
i09r0: mov ax,[word ptr key]
lea si,[plk1] ;set keyresult if hit
lea di,[plk1+10]
mov cx,3
i09p1x: push cx
mov dl,1
mov cx,5
i09p10: cmp ax,[ds:si]
jz i09p11
inc si
inc si
add dl,dl
loop i09p10
jmp i09p12
i09p11: or [ds:di],dl
i09p12: pop cx
inc si
add di,11
loop i09p1x
test al,128 ;res keyresult if drop
jz i09r2
and al,127
lea si,[plk1]
lea di,[plk1+10]
mov cx,3
i09p2x: push cx
mov dl,1
mov cx,5
i09p20: cmp ax,[ds:si]
jz i09p21
inc si
inc si
add dl,dl
loop i09p20
jmp i09p22
i09p21: sub [ds:di],dl
i09p22: pop cx
inc si
add di,11
loop i09p2x
i09r2: mov al,[key] ;if no key then keyscan = 0
and al,128
jz i09r1
sub al,al
mov [key],al
i09r1: pop ds
dss dw 0
oint09 dw 0,0 ;old vector adress
;;; Subroutines: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
keys: pusha ;set keycode of ax key
lea si,[keyn]
mov bl,2
sub cl,cl
or ah,ah
jz keyl0
lea si,[keye]
keyl0: mov ah,[ds:si]
cmp ah,255
jz keyre
cmp al,ah
jz keyr0
inc si
inc si
jmp keyl0
keyr0: inc si
mov bl,[ds:si]
keyre: mov [key+2],bl
ikey: mov ax,[word ptr key] ;ax = keyscan pressed key
or ax,ax
jnz ikey
ikeyl0: mov ax,[word ptr key]
or al,al
jz ikeyl0
txtcls: pusha
mov di,0
mov al,32
txtcls0:mov [es:di],al
inc di
inc di
cmp di,80*25*2
jnz txtcls0
;;; Main program: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
main: mov [cs:dss],ds
mov al,9h ;install keyboard int
mov ah,35h
int 21h
mov [oint09],bx
mov [oint09+2],es
mov al,9h
mov ah,25h
lea dx,[int09]
int 21h
open: lea dx,[fil0] ;load gfx
call fopen
lea dx,[gfx]
mov cx,9984
call fread
call fclose
mov ax,cs ;relocate memory
mov es,ax
mov bx,8192
mov ah,4Ah
int 21h
begin: mov ax,3 ;main window
int 16
lea dx,[fil1] ;load level
call fopen
lea dx,[lvl]
mov cx,mx*my/256+12+33
call fread
call fclose
mov ah,2
mov bh,0
mov dx,25*256
int 16
mov ax,0B800h
mov es,ax
lea si,[msg]
mov di,2*(31+08*80)
call print
mov di,2*(31+10*80)
call print
mov di,2*(31+12*80)
call print
mov di,2*(31+14*80)
call print
mov di,2*(15+1*80)
call print
mov di,2*(24+2*80)
call print
mov di,2*(8+19*80)
call print
lea si,[plk1]
mov cx,3
beginl1:push cx
add di,4
mov ax,[ds:si]
call keys
mov al,[key+2]
mov [es:di],al
inc si
inc si
add di,8
mov ax,[ds:si]
call keys
mov al,[key+2]
mov [es:di],al
inc si
inc si
sub di,4+320
mov ax,[ds:si]
call keys
mov al,[key+2]
mov [es:di],al
inc si
inc si
add di,640
mov ax,[ds:si]
call keys
mov al,[key+2]
mov [es:di],al
inc si
inc si
sub di,320
mov ax,[ds:si]
call keys
mov al,[key+2]
mov [es:di],al
inc si
inc si
add di,20
inc si
pop cx
loop beginl1
beginl0:mov ax,[word ptr key]
cmp ax,1
jz ende
call keys
mov al,[key+2]
cmp al,'0'
jz game
cmp al,'1'
jz info
cmp al,'2'
jz redef
cmp al,'3'
jz ende
jmp beginl0
redef: call txtcls ;Redefine window
mov di,2*(0+01*80)
lea si,[msg2a]
call print
push si
mov cx,3
lea bx,[plk1]
mov di,2*(4+04*80)
redefl1:lea si,[msg2]
push cx
push di
call print
mov al,'4'
sub al,cl
mov [es:di],al
inc di
inc di
mov al,':'
mov [es:di],al
add di,4
mov cx,5
redefl0:push di
call print
call ikey
mov [ds:bx],ax
call keys
mov al,[key+2]
mov [es:di],al
inc bx
inc bx
pop di
add di,160
loop redefl0
pop di
add di,44
inc bx
pop cx
loop redefl1
pop si
mov di,2*(25+16*80)
call print
call ikey
redefr0:mov ax,[word ptr key]
or ax,ax
jnz redefr0
sub al,al ;delete directions
mov [cs:plk1+10],al
mov [cs:plk1+21],al
mov [cs:plk1+32],al
lea dx,[fil1] ;save redef
call fopen
lea dx,[lvl]
mov cx,mx*my/256+12+33
call fwrite
call fclose
jmp begin
info: call txtcls ;info window
mov di,2*(0+01*80)
lea si,[msg1+1]
mov cl,[msg1]
sub ch,ch
infol0: push cx
call print
pop cx
loop infol0
lea si,[msg2b]
mov di,2*(25+24*80)
call print
call ikey
infor0: mov ax,[word ptr key]
or ax,ax
jnz infor0
jmp begin
;;; Main window: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mapi: pusha
push es
mov es,[maps]
sub di,di
lea bx,[lvl]
lea si,[gfx]
sub al,al
mov cx,my/16
mapl3: push cx
mov cx,mx/16
mapl2: push cx
push si
mov ah,[ds:bx]
add si,ax
mov cx,16
mapl1: push cx
mov cx,4
rep movsd
add di,mx-16
pop cx
loop mapl1
pop si
sub di,16*mx-16
inc bx
pop cx
loop mapl2
add di,15*mx
pop cx
loop mapl3
pop es
car: pusha ;ax=direction es:di=map posiotion ch=car
push es
lea si,[gfx+7168]
add si,ax
lea bx,[car1-256]
sub cl,cl
add bx,cx
mov cx,16
mov dl,15
carl1: push cx
mov cx,16
carl0: mov al,[ds:si]
mov ah,[es:di]
mov [cs:bx],ah
cmp al,dl
jz carx0
mov [es:di],al
carx0: inc bx
inc si
inc di
loop carl0
add di,mx-16