I'm tying to create a script for moving folders with content in them, after they have been downloaded. In other words when I download a movie or Tv series, the script to use a specific mask for detecting if it is either a movie or TV show and then to move them to the according folders for each of the categories. I have been trying to do that on Powershell. The problem is that is not stable. in other words i make it to work and then the next time I need it, it throws some kind of error. Here is what I've got. It is on 2 separate scripts, because this was the only solution, that I can think of for separating TV shows from movies.
This is the first one for TV shows detection:
$rootFolder = "C:UtorrentReady" ##Mention the root folder name here###
$folderItems = (Get-ChildItem $rootFolder)
$destination = "F:Seriali"
$subfolderslist = (Get-ChildItem $rootFolder -recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True -and $_.Name -like "*season*"} | Sort-Object)
foreach ($curfolder in $subfolderslist)
#Write-Host 'Folder Name '$curfolder yyyy-mm-dd
$subFolderItems = (Get-ChildItem $curfolder.FullName)
foreach($item in $subFolderItems)
#Write-Host 'file path '$mfilepath
$split = Split-Path -Path $currentfile -Parent
Copy-Item -Path $split -Destination $destination -Container -Recurse
Remove-Item –path $split –recurse -force
$subfolderslist = (Get-ChildItem $rootFolder -recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True -and $_.Name -like "*S0*"} | Sort-Object)
foreach ($curfolder in $subfolderslist)
#Write-Host 'Folder Name '$curfolder yyyy-mm-dd
$subFolderItems = (Get-ChildItem $curfolder.FullName)
foreach($item in $subFolderItems)
#Write-Host 'file path '$mfilepath
$split = Split-Path -Path $currentfile -Parent
Copy-Item -Path $split -Destination $destination -Container -Recurse
Remove-Item –path $split –recurse -force
$subfolderslist = (Get-ChildItem $rootFolder -recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True -and $_.Name -like "*S1*"} | Sort-Object)
foreach ($curfolder in $subfolderslist)
#Write-Host 'Folder Name '$curfolder yyyy-mm-dd
$subFolderItems = (Get-ChildItem $curfolder.FullName)
foreach($item in $subFolderItems)
#Write-Host 'file path '$mfilepath
$split = Split-Path -Path $currentfile -Parent
Copy-Item -Path $split -Destination $destination -Container -Recurse
Remove-Item –path $split –recurse -force
$ScriptPath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.InvocationName
& "$ScriptPathest4.ps1"
And this is the second one for movies:
$rootFolder = "C:UtorrentReady" ##Mention the root folder name here###
$folderItems = (Get-ChildItem $rootFolder)
$destination = "E:Movies"
$subfolderslist = (Get-ChildItem $rootFolder -recurse | Sort-Object)
foreach ($curfolder in $subfolderslist)
#Write-Host 'Folder Name '$curfolder yyyy-mm-dd
$subFolderItems = (Get-ChildItem $curfolder.FullName)
foreach($item in $subFolderItems)
#Write-Host 'file path '$mfilepath
$split = Split-Path -Path $currentfile -Parent
Write-Host $split
Copy-Item -Path $split -Destination $destination -Container -Recurse
Remove-Item –path $split –recurse -force
$subfolderslist = (Get-ChildItem $rootFolder -recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True -and $_.Name -notlike "*S0*"} | Sort-Object)
foreach ($curfolder in $subfolderslist)
#Write-Host 'Folder Name '$curfolder yyyy-mm-dd
$subFolderItems = (Get-ChildItem $curfolder.FullName)
foreach($item in $subFolderItems)
#Write-Host 'file path '$mfilepath
$split = Split-Path -Path $currentfile -Parent
Write-Host $split
Copy-Item -Path $split -Destination $destination -Container -Recurse
Remove-Item –path $split –recurse -force
$subfolderslist = (Get-ChildItem $rootFolder -recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True -and $_.Name -notlike "*S1*"} | Sort-Object)
foreach ($curfolder in $subfolderslist)
#Write-Host 'Folder Name '$curfolder yyyy-mm-dd
$subFolderItems = (Get-ChildItem $curfolder.FullName)
foreach($item in $subFolderItems)
#Write-Host 'file path '$mfilepath
$split = Split-Path -Path $currentfile -Parent
Write-Host $split
Copy-Item -Path $split -Destination $destination -Container -Recurse
Remove-Item –path $split –recurse -force