This is a classic problem in database design; how to associate information in two tables. The usual solution is to use key data; one or more columns that exist in both tables and provide a unique identifier, or key, to associate rows.
We can adapt that idea to your situation, with a script that will adjust the location of rows in Spreadsheet 2 to synchronize with Spreadsheet 1. To do that, we need to identify a key - say the Name column - which must exist in both spreadsheets.
This entails a small change in spreadsheet 2, where a Name column will now appear in column G, following the imported range in columns A-F.
| Name | Price | est delivery time | qty | etc. of | an item | Name | order date | delivered | blah blah |
< - - - - - - - - - - - - Imported - - - - - - - - - - - > *KEY* < - - - - - - sheet 2 - - - - - >
Here's how that would look in action! This example is using two sheets in the same spreadsheet, just for convenience. In the demo, a new "Item" row is added in the middle of sheet 1, which automatically appears on sheet 2 thanks to the =IMPORTRANGE()
function. The synchronizing function is running on a 1-minute timed Trigger, and you'll see it move things around about 20 seconds in.
You can grab a copy of the spreadsheet + embedded script here.
* Call syncTables() with the name of a key column.
function doSyncTables() {
syncTables( "Name" );
* Sync "Orders" spreadsheet with imported rows from "Items" spreadsheet.
* From:
* @param {String} keyName Column header used as key colum, appears
* at start of "Orders" data, following
* "Items" data.
function syncTables( keyName ) {
var sheet2 = SpreadsheetApp.openById( sheetId2 ).getSheetByName('Orders');
// Get data
var lastCol = sheet2.getLastColumn();
var lastRow = sheet2.getLastRow(); // Includes all rows, even blank, because of =importRange()
var headers = sheet2.getRange(1, 1, 1, lastCol).getValues()[0];
var keyCol = headers.lastIndexOf( keyName ) + 1;
var itemKeys = sheet2.getSheetValues(1, 1, lastRow, 1).map(function(row) {return row[0]});
var itemData = sheet2.getSheetValues(1, 1, lastRow, keyCol-1);
var orderData = sheet2.getSheetValues(1, keyCol, lastRow, lastCol-keyCol+1);
var ordersByKey = []; // To keep track of orders by key
// Scan keys in orderData
for (var row=1; row<orderData.length; row++) {
// break loop if we've run out of data.
var orderKey = orderData[row][0];
if (orderKey === '') break;
ordersByKey[ orderKey ] = orderData.slice(row, row+1)[0];
var orderKey = orderData[row][0];
var newOrderData = []; // To store reordered rows
// Reconcile with Items, fill out array of matching orders
for (row = 1; row<itemData.length; row++) {
// break loop if we've run out of data.
var itemKey = itemData[row][0];
if (itemKey === '') break;
// With each item row, match existing order data, or add new
if (ordersByKey.hasOwnProperty(itemKey)) {
// There is a matching order row for this item
else {
// This is a new item, create a new order row with same key
var newRow = [itemKey];
// Pad out all columns for the new row
for (var col=1; col<orderData[0].length; col++) newRow.push('');
// Update spreadsheet with reorganized order data
sheet2.getRange(2, keyCol, newOrderData.length, newOrderData[0].length).setValues(newOrderData);