I was struggling with the same problem this week but in the opposite way (PHP encrypts -> NodeJS decrypts) and had managed to get this snippet working:
var crypto = require('crypto');
var encrypt = function (plain_text, encryptionMethod, secret, iv) {
var encryptor = crypto.createCipheriv(encryptionMethod, secret, iv);
return encryptor.update(plain_text, 'utf8', 'base64') + encryptor.final('base64');
var decrypt = function (encryptedMessage, encryptionMethod, secret, iv) {
var decryptor = crypto.createDecipheriv(encryptionMethod, secret, iv);
return decryptor.update(encryptedMessage, 'base64', 'utf8') + decryptor.final('utf8');
var textToEncrypt = new Date().toISOString().substr(0,19) + '|My super secret information.';
var encryptionMethod = 'AES-256-CBC';
var secret = "My32charPasswordAndInitVectorStr"; //must be 32 char length
var iv = secret.substr(0,16);
var encryptedMessage = encrypt(textToEncrypt, encryptionMethod, secret, iv);
var decryptedMessage = decrypt(encryptedMessage, encryptionMethod, secret, iv);
$textToEncrypt = substr(date('c'),0,19) . "|My super secret information.";
$encryptionMethod = "AES-256-CBC";
$secret = "My32charPasswordAndInitVectorStr"; //must be 32 char length
$iv = substr($secret, 0, 16);
$encryptedMessage = openssl_encrypt($textToEncrypt, $encryptionMethod, $secret,0,$iv);
$decryptedMessage = openssl_decrypt($encryptedMessage, $encryptionMethod, $secret,0,$iv);
echo "$encryptedMessage
echo "$decryptedMessage
The secret here to avoid falling in key/iv size/decryption problems is to have the secret of exactly 32 characters length and 16 for the IV.
Also, it is VERY important to use 'base64' and 'utf8' in NodeJS since these are the defaults in PHP.
Here are some sample runs:
$ node aes256cbc.js && php aes256cbc.php
2015-01-27T18:29:12|My super secret information.
2015-01-27T18:29:12|My super secret information.
$ node aes256cbc.js && php aes256cbc.php
2015-01-27T18:29:15|My super secret information.
2015-01-27T18:29:15|My super secret information.
$ node aes256cbc.js && php aes256cbc.php
2015-01-27T18:29:29|My super secret information.
2015-01-27T18:29:29|My super secret information.
$ node aes256cbc.js && php aes256cbc.php
2015-01-27T18:29:31|My super secret information.
2015-01-27T18:29:31|My super secret information.
$ node aes256cbc.js && php aes256cbc.php
2015-01-27T18:30:08|My super secret information.
2015-01-27T18:30:08|My super secret information.
$ node aes256cbc.js && php aes256cbc.php
2015-01-27T18:30:45|My super secret information.
2015-01-27T18:30:45|My super secret information.
I use a "timestamp|message" format to avoid man in the middle attacks. For example, if the encrypted message contains an ID to be authenticated, the MitM could capture the message and re-send it every time he wants to re-authenticate.
Therefore, I could check the timestamp on the encrypted message to be within a little time interval. This way, the same message is encrypted differently each second because of the timestamp, and could not be used out of this fixed time interval.
Here I was misusing the Initialization Vector (IV).
As @ArtjomB. explained, the IV should be the first part of the encrypted message, and also it should be a random value.
It's also recommended to use a hmac
value in a HTTP Header (x-hmac: *value*
) in order to validate that the message was originated from a valid source (but this does not address the "re-send" message issue previously described).
Here's the improved version, including the hmac
for php and node and the IV as a part of the encrypted message:
aes256cbc.js (v2)
var crypto = require('crypto');
var encrypt = function (message, method, secret, hmac) {
//var iv = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex').substr(0,16); //use this in production
var iv = secret.substr(0,16); //using this for testing purposes (to have the same encryption IV in PHP and Node encryptors)
var encryptor = crypto.createCipheriv(method, secret, iv);
var encrypted = new Buffer(iv).toString('base64') + encryptor.update(message, 'utf8', 'base64') + encryptor.final('base64');
hmac.value = crypto.createHmac('md5', secret).update(encrypted).digest('hex');
return encrypted;
var decrypt = function (encrypted, method, secret, hmac) {
if (crypto.createHmac('md5', secret).update(encrypted).digest('hex') == hmac.value) {
var iv = new Buffer(encrypted.substr(0, 24), 'base64').toString();
var decryptor = crypto.createDecipheriv(method, secret, iv);
return decryptor.update(encrypted.substr(24), 'base64', 'utf8') + decryptor.final('utf8');
var encryptWithTSValidation = function (message, method, secret, hmac) {
var messageTS = new Date().toISOString().substr(0,19) + message;
return encrypt(messageTS, method, secret, hmac);
var decryptWithTSValidation = function (encrypted, method, secret, hmac, intervalThreshold) {
var decrypted = decrypt(encrypted, method, secret, hmac);
var now = new Date();
var year = parseInt(decrypted.substr(0,4)), month = parseInt(decrypted.substr(5,2)) - 1,
day = parseInt(decrypted.substr(8,2)), hour = parseInt(decrypted.substr(11,2)),
minute = parseInt(decrypted.substr(14,2)), second = parseInt(decrypted.substr(17,2));
var msgDate = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, minute, second))
if (Math.round((now - msgDate) / 1000) <= intervalThreshold) {
return decrypted.substr(19);
var message = 'My super secret information.';
var method = 'AES-256-CBC';
var secret = "My32charPasswordAndInitVectorStr"; //must be 32 char length
var hmac = {};
//var encrypted = encrypt(message, method, secret, hmac);
//var decrypted = decrypt(encrypted, method, secret, hmac);
var encrypted = encryptWithTSValidation(message, method, secret, hmac);
var decrypted = decryptWithTSValidation(encrypted, method, secret, hmac, 60*60*12); //60*60m*12=12h
console.log("Use HTTP header 'x-hmac: " + hmac.value + "' for validating against MitM-attacks.");
console.log("Encrypted: " + encrypted);
console.log("Decrypted: " + decrypted);
Note that crypto.createHmac(...).digest('hex')
is digested with hex
. This is the default in PHP for hmac
aes256cbc.php (v2)
function encrypt ($message, $method, $secret, &$hmac) {
//$iv = substr(bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16)),0,16); //use this in production
$iv = substr($secret, 0, 16); //using this for testing purposes (to have the same encryption IV in PHP and Node encryptors)
$encrypted = base64_encode($iv) . openssl_encrypt($message, $method, $secret, 0, $iv);
$hmac = hash_hmac('md5', $encrypted, $secret);
return $encrypted;
function decrypt ($encrypted, $method, $secret, $hmac) {
if (hash_hmac('md5', $encrypted, $secret) == $hmac) {
$iv = base64_decode(substr($encrypted, 0, 24));
return openssl_decrypt(substr($encrypted, 24), $method, $secret, 0, $iv);
function encryptWithTSValidation ($message, $method, $secret, &$hmac) {
$message = substr(date('c'),0,19) . "$message";
return encrypt($message, $method, $secret, $hmac);
function decryptWithTSValidation ($encrypted, $method, $secret, $hmac, $intervalThreshold) {
$decrypted = decrypt($encrypted, $method, $secret, $hmac);
$now = new DateTime();
$msgDate = new DateTime(str_replace("T"," ",substr($decrypted,0,19)));
if (($now->getTimestamp() - $msgDate->getTimestamp()) <= $intervalThreshold) {
return substr($decrypted,19);
$message = "My super secret information.";
$method = "AES-256-CBC";
$secret = "My32charPasswordAndInitVectorStr"; //must be 32 char length
//$encrypted = encrypt($message, $method, $secret, $hmac);
//$decrypted = decrypt($encrypted, $method, $secret, $hmac);
$encrypted = encryptWithTSValidation($message, $method, $secret, $hmac);
$decrypted = decryptWithTSValidation($encrypted, $method, $secret, $hmac, 60*60*12); //60*60m*12=12h
echo "Use HTTP header 'x-hmac: $hmac' for validating against MitM-attacks.
echo "Encrypted: $encrypted
echo "Decrypted: $decrypted
Here are some sample runs:
$ node aes256cbc.js && php aes256cbc.php
Use HTTP header 'x-hmac: 6862972ef0f463bf48523fc9e334bb42' for validating against MitM-attacks.
Encrypted: YjE0ZzNyMHNwVm50MGswbQ==I6cAKeoxeSP5TGgtK59PotB/iG2BUSU8Y6NhAhVabN9UB+ZCTn7q2in4JyLwQiGN
Decrypted: My super secret information.
Use HTTP header 'x-hmac: 6862972ef0f463bf48523fc9e334bb42' for validating against MitM-attacks.
Encrypted: YjE0ZzNyMHNwVm50MGswbQ==I6cAKeoxeSP5TGgtK59PotB/iG2BUSU8Y6NhAhVabN9UB+ZCTn7q2in4JyLwQiGN
Decrypted: My super secret information.
$ node aes256cbc.js && php aes256cbc.php
Use HTTP header 'x-hmac: b2e63f216acde938a82142220652cf59' for validating against MitM-attacks.
Encrypted: YjE0ZzNyMHNwVm50MGswbQ==YsFRdKzCLuCk7Yg+U+S1CSgYBBR8dkZytORm8xwEDmD9WB1mpqC3XnSrB+wR3/KW
Decrypted: My super secret information.
Use HTTP header 'x-hmac: b2e63f216acde938a82142220652cf59' for validating against MitM-attacks.
Encrypted: YjE0ZzNyMHNwVm50MGswbQ==YsFRdKzCLuCk7Yg+U+S1CSgYBBR8dkZytORm8xwEDmD9WB1mpqC3XnSrB+wR3/KW
Decrypted: My super secret information.
$ node aes256cbc.js && php aes256cbc.php
Use HTTP header 'x-hmac: 73181744453d55eb6f81896ffd284cd8' for validating against MitM-attacks.
Encrypted: YjE0ZzNyMHNwVm50MGswbQ==YsFRdKzCLuCk7Yg+U+S1CTGik4Lv9PnWuEg5SiADJcdKX1to0LrNKmuCiYIweBAZ
Decrypted: My super secret information.
Use HTTP header 'x-hmac: 73181744453d55eb6f81896ffd284cd8' for validating against MitM-attacks.
Encrypted: YjE0ZzNyMHNwVm50MGswbQ==YsFRdKzCLuCk7Yg+U+S1CTGik4Lv9PnWuEg5SiADJcdKX1to0LrNKmuCiYIweBAZ
Decrypted: My super secret information.
$ node aes256cbc.js && php aes256cbc.php
Use HTTP header 'x-hmac: 5372ecca442d65f582866cf3b24cb2b6' for validating against MitM-attacks.
Encrypted: YjE0ZzNyMHNwVm50MGswbQ==YsFRdKzCLuCk7Yg+U+S1CYEITF6aozBNp7bA54qY0Ugg9v6kt