You cannot update elements which are not rendered , rendered=false
"is a JSF way to" to remove elements from the DOM Tree ,
its not like css display:none
or visibility:hidden
<- this two will keep the elements in the DOM tree but hidden , while the JSF rendered=false
wont even render (keep) the element in the DOM tree (you wont even see it in the "view source" of the page)
So in you case you need to wrap the outputLabel
with `panelGroup' and update the id of the wrapper
<h:panelGroup id="periodLabelWrapper">
<h:outputLabel for="period" value="Period" id="periodLabel" rendered="#{ppBacker.periodRendered}">
and refer to the wrapper (which always be in the DOM tree) id in the <p:ajax
attribute, like this:
<p:ajax process=":addProgram:addProgramTo" update=":addProgram:periodGrid, :addProgram:periodLabelWrapper" event="change" listener="#{ppBacker.addProgramListener}" />
Another solution would be the update the entire form like this <p:ajax update="@form" ...
that way you don't need the wrap the outputLabel
regarding your comment question
how does @form update the un-rendered elements, but targeting them directly through id's does not?
You can't target an element in update
which is not present in the page (rendered=false) "its not there"
But when you use update="@form"
or update="someWrapperID"
the form/wrapper "re evaluates" all its inner elements , including the ones with rendered="#{someBean.someCondition}"
and the condition gets "re evaluated" so if it result to true
the elemet will be displayed...