In Visio, I have a UserForm that is populated with some labels, buttons and textboxes based on a Visio Symbol. The labels, buttons and textboxes are created at runtime. Here is a snip of the form created
When you click the button, the intention is to copy the caption from the label into the textbox. I have created the code and button event so I can identify the button being clicked, however, when I try to reference the label or textbox I get "Run-time error '-2147024809 (80070057)': Could not find the specified object."
Here is part of my code that creates the controls at runtime:
Set dynLabel = frameInputs.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "dynLabel" & CStr(s.Index), True)
Set dynTextBox = frameInputs.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "dynTextBox" & CStr(s.Index), True)
Set dynXferLabelButton = frameInputs.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", "dynXferLabelButton" & CStr(s.Index), True)
I use some various WITH statements to set the position, etc, of each control. I also assign the s.Index value to the TAG property so I can identify which Button is being clicked later.
With dynLabel
.Top = ctrlTop
.Left = ctrlLeft
.Caption = ctrlText
.Tag = s.Index
End With
With dynTextBox
.Top = ctrlTop
.Left = ctrlLeft + 80
.Text = ctrlText
.Tag = s.Index
End With
With dynXferLabelButton
.Top = ctrlTop
.Left = ctrlLeft + 60
.Caption = ">>"
.Width = 20
.Height = 17
.Tag = s.Index
End With
I have a class called "ButtonEvents" and use the following code to create a click event on the button:
Dim cmdArray() As New ButtonEvents
ReDim Preserve cmdArray(i)
Set cmdArray(i).cmdEvents = dynXferLabelButton
As a simple test, here is my click event for the button. When you click the button, the event triggers and I can get the TAG from the button - this is all working fine. Using the TAG, I can then determine the name of the Label control, and I presume I can then access the properties of the Label:
Private Sub cmdEvents_Click()
MsgBox cmdEvents.Tag
MsgBox frmSetDevice.frameInputs.Controls.Item("dynLabel" & cmdEvents.Tag).Caption
Dim c As Control
For Each c In frmSetDevice.frameInputs.Controls
MsgBox c.Name
End Sub
I get the Runtime error when I try to use frmSetDevice.frameInputs.Controls.Item("dynLabel" & cmdEvents.Tag).Caption
or any other property. If I comment out that line and let it run through the loop to show me the controls, it doesn't find anything.
If I loop through the controls within the UserForm_Activate function just after they are all created, it can find all the controls perfectly fine. It seems to me that once the controls are created and the UserForm_Activate event has finished, they are no longer accessible. I presume I need to do something else to make them accessible? What am I doing wrong?
Here is the full code (with un-related functions and events removed):
UserForm frmSetDevice
Dim cmdArray() As New ButtonEvents
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
'MsgBox "Activate: " & DeviceCodeValue
Dim cIn, cOut As Integer
Dim ctrlLeft, ctrlTop As Integer
Dim ctrlText As String
If DeviceCodeValue <> 0 Then textCode.Text = DeviceCodeValue
If DeviceDescriptionValue <> 0 Then comboDevices = DeviceDescriptionValue
Set dataCollection = Nothing
FindShapeData ActivePage.Shapes(Me.DeviceObject), "Label"
Erase Labels
Labels = toArray(dataCollection)
Dim s As Visio.Shape
For i = 0 To UBound(Labels)
For Each s In ActivePage.Shapes(DeviceObjectName).Shapes
If s.Name = Labels(i) Then
'MsgBox GetShapeData(s, "Category")
Dim dynLabel As Control
Dim dynTextBox As Control
Dim dynXferLabelButton As Control
If InStr(Labels(i), "In") > 0 Then
cIn = cIn + 1
ctrlLeft = 20
ctrlTop = (20 * cIn)
Set dynLabel = frameInputs.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "dynLabel" & CStr(s.Index), True)
Set dynTextBox = frameInputs.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "dynTextBox" & CStr(s.Index), True)
Set dynXferLabelButton = frameInputs.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", "dynXferLabelButton" & CStr(s.Index), True)
cOut = cOut + 1
ctrlLeft = 20
ctrlTop = (20 * cOut)
Set dynLabel = frameOutputs.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "dynLabel" & CStr(s.Index), True)
Set dynTextBox = frameOutputs.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "dynTextBox" & CStr(s.Index), True)
Set dynXferLabelButton = frameOutputs.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", "dynXferLabelButton" & CStr(s.Index), True)
End If
ctrlText = s.Text
If LabelDataValue(s.Index) <> "" Then ctrlText = LabelDataValue(s.Index)
With dynLabel
.Top = ctrlTop
.Left = ctrlLeft
.Caption = ctrlText
.Tag = s.Index
End With
If GetShapeData(s, "Label") = 0 Then
ctrlText = s.Text
ctrlText = GetShapeData(s, "Label")
End If
With dynTextBox
.Top = ctrlTop
.Left = ctrlLeft + 80
.Text = ctrlText
.Tag = s.Index
End With
With dynXferLabelButton
.Top = ctrlTop
.Left = ctrlLeft + 60
.Caption = ">>"
.Width = 20
.Height = 17
.Tag = s.Index
End With
ReDim Preserve cmdArray(i)
Set cmdArray(i).cmdEvents = dynXferLabelButton
Exit For
End If
Next i
Dim totalLines As Integer
If cIn >= cOut Then
totalLines = cIn
totalLines = cOut
End If
Me.Height = (25 * totalLines) + 150
frameInputs.Height = (25 * totalLines)
frameOutputs.Height = (25 * totalLines)
If Me.Height < 330 Then Me.Height = 330
cmdCancel.Top = Me.Height - 60
cmdSetDevice.Top = Me.Height - 60
Dim c As Control
For Each c In Me.frameInputs.Controls
MsgBox c.Name
End Sub
Class ButtonEvents
Public WithEvents cmdEvents As MSForms.CommandButton
Private Sub cmdEvents_Click()
MsgBox cmdEvents.Tag
MsgBox frmSetDevice.frameInputs.Controls.Item("dynLabel" & cmdEvents.Tag).Caption
Dim c As Control
For Each c In frmSetDevice.frameInputs.Controls
MsgBox c.Name
End Sub