I'd suggest using an HTML base tag in the head, and coding all paths relative to this. In ASP.NET, for example, you can get a reference to the base of the application, which may or may not be the root path of the site, so using a base tag helps. Bonus: it works for every other asset too.
You can have a base path like this:
<base href="/application_root/" />
...and then links like "foo/bar.html" will actually be /application_root/foo/bar.html.
Another approach I like to use is to put named links in the header. I will often have an API root in one location and a directive template root somewhere else. In the head, I'll then add some tags like this:
<link id="linkApiRoot" href="/application_root/api/"/>
<link id="linkTemplateRoot" href="/application_root/Content/Templates/"/>
... and then use $provide in the module to get the link href and expose it to services and directives like so:
angular.module("app.services", [])
.config(["$provide", function ($provide) {
$provide.value("apiRoot", $("#linkApiRoot").attr("href"));
... and then inject it to a service like this:
angular.module("app.services").factory("myAdminSvc", ["apiRoot", function (apiRoot) {
var apiAdminRoot = apiRoot + "admin/";
Just my opinion though. Do the least complex thing for your application.