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in Technique[技术] by (71.8m points)

static - Circular C++ Header Includes

In a project I have 2 classes:

// mainw.h

#include "IFr.h"
class mainw
static IFr ifr;
static CSize=100;

// IFr.h

#include "mainw.h"
class IFr
public float[mainw::CSize];

But I cannot compile this code, getting an error at the static IFr ifr; line. Is this kind of cross-inclusion prohibited?

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1 Answer

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by (71.8m points)

Is this kind of cross-inclusions are prohibited?


A work-around would be to say that the ifr member of mainw is a reference or a pointer, so that a forward-declaration will do instead of including the full declaration, like:

//#include "IFr.h" //not this
class IFr; //this instead
class mainw
static IFr* ifr; //pointer; don't forget to initialize this in mainw.cpp!
static CSize=100;

Alternatively, define the CSize value in a separate header file (so that Ifr.h can include this other header file instead of including mainw.h).

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