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in Technique[技术] by (71.8m points)

eclipse - How to locate the Path of the current project directory in Java (IDE)?

I am trying to locate the path of the current running/debugged project programmatically in Java, I looked in Google and what I found was System.getProperty("user.id"), which didn't get me the project's path.

I know the command Environment.currentDirectory in C# gives the path of the current running/debugged project,so I am sure there must be a similar way in Java, too.

So I am asking if anyone could tell me or give me a code to how locate the path of the currently running/debugged project programmatically?

edit: i am writing plugin which loads with eclipse start. the plugin adds a button to the workbench of eclipse, with in the code of the plugin when i click the button i search for the current directory path.

my purpose is that when for example i debug a project and then click the button, a window will pop up presenting the debugged project's path, thanks

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1 Answer

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by (71.8m points)

Two ways


or this

File currentDirFile = new File(".");
String helper = currentDirFile.getAbsolutePath();
String currentDir = helper.substring(0, helper.length() - currentDirFile.getCanonicalPath().length());//this line may need a try-catch block

The idea is to get the current folder with ".", and then fetch the absolute position to it and remove the filename from it, so from something like


when you remove Class.class you'd get


which is kinda what you want.

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