Important Note
With Xcode 5.1 (perhaps earlier Xcode as well) test
is a valid build action.
We were able to replace the entire hack below with a call to xcodebuild using the build action of test and with appropriate -destination
options. man xcodebuild
for more info.
The information below is left here for posterity
I tried hacking Apple's scripts to run unit tests as mentioned in
Running Xcode 4 unit tests from the command line
Xcode4: Running Application Tests From the Command Line in iOS
and numerous similar postings across the web.
However, I ran into a problem with those solutions. Some of our unit tests exercised the iOS Keychain and those calls, when running in the environment that comes from hacking Apple's scripts, failed with an error (errSecNotAvailable
[-25291] for the morbidly curious). As a result, the tests always failed... an undesirable feature in a test.
I tried a number of solutions based on information I found elsewhere on the web. Some of those solutions involved trying to launch the iOS simulator's security services daemon, for example. After struggling with those, My best bet seemed to be to run in the iOS simulator with the full benefit of the simulator's environment.
What I did, then was get ahold of the iOS Simulator launching tool ios-sim. This command line tool uses private Apple frameworks to launch an iOS application from the command line. Of particular use to me, however, was the fact that it allows me to pass both Environment Variables and Command Line Arguments to the app that it is launching.
Though the Environment variables, I was able to get my Unit Testing bundle injected into my Application. Through the command line arguments, I can pass the "-SenTest All" needed to get the app to run the unit tests and quit.
I created a Scheme (which I called "CommandLineUnitTests") for my unit testing bundle and checked the "Run" action in the build section as described in the posts above.
Rather than hacking Apple's scripts, though, I replaced the script with one that launches the application using ios-sim and sets up the environment to inject my unit testing bundle into the application separately.
My script is written in Ruby which is more familiar to me than BASH scripting. Here's that script:
launcher_path = File.join(ENV['SRCROOT'], "Scripts", "ios-sim")
test_bundle_path= File.join(ENV['BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR'], "#{ENV['PRODUCT_NAME']}.#{ENV['WRAPPER_EXTENSION']}")
environment = {
'DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES' => "/../../Library/PrivateFrameworks/IDEBundleInjection.framework/IDEBundleInjection",
'XCInjectBundle' => test_bundle_path,
'XCInjectBundleInto' => ENV["TEST_HOST"]
environment_args = environment.collect { |key, value| "--setenv #{key}="#{value}""}.join(" ")
app_test_host = File.dirname(ENV["TEST_HOST"])
system("#{launcher_path} launch "#{app_test_host}" #{environment_args} --args -SenTest All #{test_bundle_path}")
puts "SL_RUN_UNIT_TESTS not set - Did not run unit tests!"
Running this from the command line looks like:
xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -workspace iPhoneApp.xcworkspace/ -scheme "CommandLineUnitTests" clean build SL_RUN_UNIT_TESTS=YES
After looking for the SL_RUN_UNIT_TESTS
environment variable, the script finds the "launcher" (the iOS-sim executable) within the project's source tree. It then constructs the path to my Unit Testing Bundle based on build settings that Xcode passes in environment variables.
Next, I create the set of runtime Environment Variables for my running application that inject the unit testing bundle. I set up those variables in the environment
hash in the middle of the script then use some ruby grunge to join them into a series of command line arguments for the ios-sim
Near the bottom I grab the TEST_HOST
from the environment as the app I want to launch and the system
command actually executes ios-sim
passing the application, the command arguments to set up the environment, and the arguments -SenTest All
and the test bundle path to the running application.
The advantage of this scheme is that it runs the unit tests in the simulator environment much as I believe Xcode itself does. The disadvantage of the scheme is that it relies on an external tool to launch the application. That external tool uses private Apple frameworks, so it may be fragile with subsequent OS releases, but it works for the moment.
P.S. I used "I" a lot in this post for narrative reasons, but a lot of the credit goes to my partner in crime, Pawel, who worked through these problems with me.