I had a look at the various options, and in the end found libsoldout, a very small C implementation that's quite easy to integrate. You just need to include array.[ch], buffer.[ch], markdown.[ch], and renderers.[ch] in your Xcode project, then you can convert an NSString from markdown to HTML like so:
NSString *rawMarkdown;
const char * prose = [rawMarkdown UTF8String];
struct buf *ib, *ob;
int length = rawMarkdown.length + 1;
ib = bufnew(length);
bufgrow(ib, length);
memcpy(ib->data, prose, length);
ib->size = length;
ob = bufnew(64);
markdown(ob, ib, &mkd_xhtml);
NSString *shinyNewHTML = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: ob->data];
NSLog(@"%@", shinyNewHTML);