Use joblib's Parallel module to do that, its a great library for parallel execution.
Lets say we have a list of urls named urls
and we want to take a screenshot of each one in parallel
First lets import the necessary libraries
from selenium import webdriver
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
Now lets define a function that takes a screenshot as base64
def take_screenshot(url):
phantom = webdriver.PhantomJS('/path/to/phantomjs')
screenshot = phantom.get_screenshot_as_base64()
return screenshot
Now to execute that in parallel what you would do is
screenshots = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(take_screenshot)(url) for url in urls)
When this line will finish executing, you will have in screenshots
all of the data from all of the processes that ran.
Explanation about Parallel
means use all of the resources you can
is joblib
's way of creating the input for the function you are trying to run on parallel
More information can be found on the joblib