You can do this in vim using a Dictionary:
This will change the following text:
The quick brown fox ran quickly next to the lazy brook.
The slow brown fox ran slowly next to the energetic brook.
To see how this works, see :help sub-replace-expression
and :help Dictionary
. In short,
lets you substitute in the result of a vim expression.
{'quick':'slow', 'lazy':'energetic'}
is a vim dictionary (like a hash in perl or ruby, or an object in javascript) that uses []
for lookups.
is the matched string
This can come in handy when refactoring code - say you want to exchange the variable names for foo
, bar
, and baz
→ bar
→ baz
→ foo
Using a sequence of %s///
commands would be tricky, unless you used temporary variable names - but you'd have to make sure those weren't hitting anything else. Instead, you can use a Dictionary to do it in one pass:
Which changes this code
int foo = 0;
float bar = pow(2.0, (float) foo);
char baz[256] = {};
sprintf(baz,"2^%d = %f
", foo, bar);
int bar = 0;
float baz = pow(2.0, (float) bar);
char foo[256] = {};
sprintf(foo,"2^%d = %f
", bar, baz);
If you find yourself doing this a lot, you may want to add the following to your ~/.vimrc
" Refactor the given lines using a dictionary
" replacing all occurences of each key in the dictionary with its value
function! Refactor(dict) range
execute a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline . 's/C<\%(' . join(keys(a:dict),'|'). ')>/='.string(a:dict).'[submatch(0)]/ge'
command! -range=% -nargs=1 Refactor :<line1>,<line2>call Refactor(<args>)
This lets you use the :Refactor {'frog':'duck', 'duck':'frog'}
command, and is slightly
less repetitive than creating the regex for the dict manually.