How can I control the width of the columns in MatBlazor MatTable
I have fiddled a bit around, and by disabling the css class mdc-table in the browser 'inspector'... it seems to be possible to get 'normal' table behavior.
right now all column except the last column is quite narrow, (actual widths: 119, 153, 460)
the last columns is just two icons, so it should be about 100px width, and the middle column is a quite long text string, so I would like that to be much wider.
There isn't much drama about the code, but here it is anyway...
<MatDialog @bind-IsOpen="@ShowBeginCreateNewSLA">
<MatDialogTitle>Service level agremeents</MatDialogTitle>
<MatTable ShowPaging="false" Items="SLAOptions">
<td><MatIconButton Icon="delete" /></td>
Any idea what I can do?