Actually there are quite a few apps, which offer the CROP action in Android 2.x: the standard Gallery, or Flikie Wallpapers just to name a couple. Why resolving the intents successfully fails, is that Google changed the components which provide the API. In Android 1.x that might have been, but since (I think) API9/Android 2.3.x the default gallery is provided by Cooliris, so it is something like, etc.
The correct way to resolve the intent on any phone is (code, which I use):
// this is something to keep our information
class CropOption
CharSequence TITLE;
Drawable ICON;
Intent CROP_APP;
// we will present the available selection in a list dialog, so we need an adapter
class CropOptionAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<CropOption>
private List<CropOption> _items;
private Context _ctx;
CropOptionAdapter(Context ctx, List<CropOption> items)
super(ctx, R.layout.crop_option, items);
_items = items;
_ctx = ctx;
public View getView( int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent )
if ( convertView == null )
convertView = LayoutInflater.from( _ctx ).inflate( R.layout.crop_option, null );
CropOption item = _items.get( position );
if ( item != null )
( ( ImageView ) convertView.findViewById( ) ).setImageDrawable( item.ICON );
( ( TextView ) convertView.findViewById( ) ).setText( item.TITLE );
return convertView;
return null;
The layout for the item should be a horizontal linear layout with an IconView and a TextView. I will skip it for brevity's sake, by now you most probably know how to do it :-)
Now for the part where we find the intents and present them for selection (this is only the relevant part of the function, onActivityResult):
final List<CropOption> cropOptions = new ArrayList<CropOption>();
// this 2 lines are all you need to find the intent!!!
Intent intent = new Intent( "" );
intent.setType( "image/*" );
List<ResolveInfo> list = getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities( intent, 0 );
if ( list.size() == 0 )
// I tend to put any kind of text to be presented to the user as a resource for easier translation (if it ever comes to that...)
Toast.makeText( this, getText( R.string.error_crop_option ), Toast.LENGTH_LONG );
// this is the URI returned from the camera, it could be a file or a content URI, the crop app will take any
_captureUri = null; // leave the picture there
break; // leave this switch case...
intent.setData( _captureUri );
intent.putExtra( "outputX", 128 );
intent.putExtra( "outputY", 128 );
intent.putExtra( "aspectX", 1 );
intent.putExtra( "aspectY", 1 );
intent.putExtra( "scale", true );
//intent.putExtra( "", true ); // I seem to have lost the option to have the crop app auto rotate the image, any takers?
intent.putExtra( "return-data", true );
for ( ResolveInfo res : list )
final CropOption co = new CropOption();
co.TITLE = getPackageManager().getApplicationLabel( res.activityInfo.applicationInfo );
co.ICON = getPackageManager().getApplicationIcon( res.activityInfo.applicationInfo );
co.CROP_APP = new Intent( intent );
co.CROP_APP.setComponent( new ComponentName( res.activityInfo.packageName, ) );
cropOptions.add( co );
// set up the chooser dialog
CropOptionAdapter adapter = new CropOptionAdapter( this, cropOptions );
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder( this );
builder.setTitle( R.string.choose_crop_title );
builder.setAdapter( adapter, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( DialogInterface dialog, int item )
startActivityForResult( cropOptions.get( item ).CROP_APP, ACTIVITY_CROP );
} );
builder.setOnCancelListener( new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
public void onCancel( DialogInterface dialog )
// we don't want to keep the capture around if we cancel the crop because we don't want it anymore
if ( _captureUri != null )
getContentResolver().delete( _captureUri, null, null );
_captureUri = null;
} );
AlertDialog alert = builder.create();;
catch ( Exception e )
Log.e( TAG, "processing capture", e );
And there you have it... Hope that helps, I lost 2 days trying to figure it out...