This question follows from my attempt to implement the instructions in:
Linux Pipes as Input and Output
How to send a simple string between two programs using pipes?
My question is along the lines of the question in: Linux Pipes as Input and Output, but more specific.
Essentially, I am trying to replace:
/directory/program < input.txt > output.txt
using pipes in C++ in order to avoid using the hard drive. Here's my code:
int fd_p2c[2], fd_pFc[2], bytes_read;
// "p2c" = pipe_to_child, "pFc" = pipe_from_child (see above link)
pid_t childpid;
char readbuffer[80];
string program_name;// <---- includes program name + full path
string gulp_command;// <---- includes my line-by-line stdin for program execution
string receive_output = "";
pipe(fd_p2c);//create pipe-to-child
pipe(fd_pFc);//create pipe-from-child
childpid = fork();//create fork
if (childpid < 0)
cout << "Fork failed" << endl;
else if (childpid == 0)
dup2(0,fd_p2c[0]);//close stdout & make read end of p2c into stdout
close(fd_p2c[0]);//close read end of p2c
close(fd_p2c[1]);//close write end of p2c
dup2(1,fd_pFc[1]);//close stdin & make read end of pFc into stdin
close(fd_pFc[1]);//close write end of pFc
close(fd_pFc[0]);//close read end of pFc
//Execute the required program
execl(program_name.c_str(),program_name.c_str(),(char *) 0);
close(fd_p2c[0]);//close read end of p2c
close(fd_pFc[1]);//close write end of pFc
//"Loop" - send all data to child on write end of p2c
write(fd_p2c[1], gulp_command.c_str(), (strlen(gulp_command.c_str())));
close(fd_p2c[1]);//close write end of p2c
//Loop - receive all data to child on read end of pFc
while (1)
bytes_read = read(fd_pFc[0], readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer));
if (bytes_read <= 0)//if nothing read from buffer...
break;//...break loop
receive_output += readbuffer;//append data to string
close(fd_pFc[0]);//close read end of pFc
I am absolutely sure that the above strings are initialized properly. However, two things happen that don't make sense to me:
(1) The program I am executing reports that the "input file is empty." Since I am not calling the program with "<" it should not be expecting an input file. Instead, it should be expecting keyboard input. Furthermore, it should be reading the text contained in "gulp_command."
(2) The program's report (provided via standard output) appears in the terminal. This is odd because the purpose of this piping is to transfer stdout to my string "receive_output." But since it is appearing on screen, that indicates to me that the information is not being passed correctly through the pipe to the variable. If I implement the following at the end of the if statement,
cout << receive_output << endl;
I get nothing, as though the string is empty. I appreciate any help you can give me!
EDIT: Clarification
My program currently communicates with another program using text files. My program writes a text file (e.g. input.txt), which is read by the external program. That program then produces output.txt, which is read by my program. So it's something like this:
my code -> input.txt -> program -> output.txt -> my code
Therefore, my code currently uses,
system("program < input.txt > output.txt");
I want to replace this process using pipes. I want to pass my input as standard input to the program, and have my code read the standard output from that program into a string.
See Question&Answers more detail: