One way to deal with your problem is to generate several performance values for knn and NN which you can compare using a statistical test. This can be achieved using Nested resampling.
In nested resampling you are performing train/test splits multiple times and evaluating the model on each test set.
Lets for instance use BostonHousing data:
lets just select numerical columns for the example to make it simple:
d <- BostonHousing[,sapply(BostonHousing, is.numeric)]
As far as I know there is no way to perform nested CV in caret out of the box so a simple wrapper is needed:
generate outer folds for nested CV:
outer_folds <- createFolds(d$medv, k = 5)
Lets use bootstrap resampling as the inner resample loop to tune the hyper parameters:
boot <- trainControl(method = "boot",
number = 100)
now loop over the outer folds and perform hyper parameter optimization using the train set and predict on the test set:
CV_knn <- lapply(outer_folds, function(index){
tr <- d[-index, ]
ts <- d[index,]
cart1 <- train(medv ~ ., data = tr,
method = "knn",
metric = "MAE",
preProc = c("center", "scale", "nzv"),
trControl = boot,
tuneLength = 10) #to keep it short we will just probe 10 combinations of hyper parameters
postResample(predict(cart1, ts), ts$medv)
extract just MAE from the results:
sapply(CV_knn, function(x) x[3]) -> CV_knn_MAE
Fold1.MAE Fold2.MAE Fold3.MAE Fold4.MAE Fold5.MAE
2.503333 2.587059 2.031200 2.475644 2.607885
Do the same for glmnet learner for instance:
CV_glmnet <- lapply(outer_folds, function(index){
tr <- d[-index, ]
ts <- d[index,]
cart1 <- train(medv ~ ., data = tr,
method = "glmnet",
metric = "MAE",
preProc = c("center", "scale", "nzv"),
trControl = boot,
tuneLength = 10)
postResample(predict(cart1, ts), ts$medv)
sapply(CV_glmnet, function(x) x[3]) -> CV_glmnet_MAE
Fold1.MAE Fold2.MAE Fold3.MAE Fold4.MAE Fold5.MAE
3.400559 3.383317 2.830140 3.605266 3.525224
now compare the two using wilcox.test
. Since the performance for both learners was generated using the same data splits a paired test is appropriate:
paired = TRUE)
If comparing more than two algorithms one can use friedman.test