I have found that this is the best way to find mentions inside of a string in javascript.
var str = "@jpotts18 what is up man? Are you hanging out with @kyle_clegg";
var pattern = /B@[a-z0-9_-]+/gi;
["@jpotts18", "@kyle_clegg"]
I have purposefully restricted it to upper and lowercase alpha numeric and (-,_) symbols in order to avoid periods that could be confused for usernames like (@j.potts).
This is what twitter-text.js is doing behind the scenes.
// Mention related regex collection
twttr.txt.regexen.validMentionPrecedingChars = /(?:^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_!#$%&*@@]|RT:?)/;
twttr.txt.regexen.atSigns = /[@@]/;
twttr.txt.regexen.validMentionOrList = regexSupplant(
'(#{validMentionPrecedingChars})' + // $1: Preceding character
'(#{atSigns})' + // $2: At mark
'([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,20})' + // $3: Screen name
'(/[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,24})?' // $4: List (optional)
, 'g');
twttr.txt.regexen.endMentionMatch = regexSupplant(/^(?:#{atSigns}|[#{latinAccentChars}]|://)/);
Please let me know if you have used anything that is more efficient, or accurate. Thanks!