Use JMS exclusion policy.
Example using annotations on category entity, where you don't want to include children and product related entities to be included:
use ...
* ...
* @ExclusionPolicy("none")
class Category
* ...
* @Exclude
private $children;
* ...
* @Exclude
private $products;
Look at the JMSSerializer docs for more information.
For example you could use partial keyword to select only data that you need. Although I could not, for the life of me,
disable the loading of the full related entities (two levels down) if I pass entity object to the serializer (even when disabling load in DoctrineProxyHandler),
but if I use an array, than it doesn't use doctrine lazy loading though proxies (as expected ofc).
Example using your example entities:
$dql = "SELECT t, s, partial b.{id}, partial ss.{id}
FROM AcmeAppBundleEntityTask t
JOIN t.story s
JOIN s.board b
JOIN b.stories ss"
$q = $this->_em-createQuery($dql);
$result = $q->getArrayResult();
This way you would get something like:
id: 33,
title: "My Task",
story: [
id: 554,
board: [
id: 14,
stories: [
id: 554
id: 3424
id: 3487
P.S. I'm actually intrigued by this "problem". Anyway I'll see to come up with solution to how to serialize entity object without using array result.