I tried several PO Box RegExp patterns found on the internet including the ones posted on Stack Overflow, none of them passed our test requirements. Hence, I posted our RegExp below and our test sets:
var poBox = /^ *((#d+)|((box|bin)[-. /\]?d+)|(.*p[ .]? ?(o|0)[-. /\]? *-?((box|bin)|b|(#|num)?d+))|(p(ost)? *(o(ff(ice)?)?)? *((box|bin)|b)? *d+)|(p *-?/?(o)? *-?box)|post office box|((box|bin)|b) *(number|num|#)? *d+|(num|number|#) *d+)/i;
var matches = [ //"box" can be substituted for "bin"
"Box 123",
"HC73 P.O. Box 217",
"P O Box125",
"P. O. Box",
"P.O 123",
"P.O. Box 123",
"P.O. Box",
"P.O.B 123",
"P.O.B. 123",
"P0 Box",
"PO 123",
"PO Box N",
"PO Box",
"POB 123",
"Po Box",
"Post 123",
"Post Box 123",
"Post Office Box 123",
"Post Office Box",
"box #123",
"box 122",
"box 123",
"number 123",
"p box",
"p-o box",
"p.o box",
"p.o. box",
"p.o.b. #123",
"p/o box",
"po #123",
"po box 123",
"po box",
"po num123",
"post office box"
var nonMatches = [
"The Postal Road",
"Box Hill",
"123 Some Street",
"Controller's Office",
"pollo St.",
"123 box canyon rd",
"777 Post Oak Blvd",
"PSC 477 Box 396",
"RR 1 Box 1020"