I am running two instances of keepAlived on local Haproxy node and a remote Haproxy node, the local haproxy node works just fine but for remote it doesn't add virtual ip to the remote node.
vrrp_instance RH_EXT {
state BACKUP
interface tun0
virtual_router_id 12
priority 99
advert_int 1
authentication {
auth_type PASS
auth_pass keepAlived123
virtual_ipaddress {
I am also seeing this error:
Dec 31 19:29:36 pi4-phl Keepalived_vrrp[28178]: (RH_EXT) ip address dev tun0, no longer exist
Dec 31 19:29:38 pi4-phl Keepalived_vrrp[28178]: (RH_EXT) ip address associated with VRID 12 not present in MASTER advert :
maybe that is when when all the local nodes are down it doesn't load balance from the remote node.