Very interesting question! Actually it seems that it is not a task for AsyncController
. Async controllers are designed for long-running single-HTTP-query operations at server-side. When you are using async action, this could only help you to release ASP.Net worker thread during some long-running operation(s) and allow it to serve other requests while operation is performed. But from client-side point of view it doesn't matter, is this async controller or not. For client this is just single HTTP request.
You need to redesign this using some long-running queries service in your application. Here is example of controller, that could serve such workflow:
public class LongOperationsController : Controller
public ActionResult StartOperation(OperationData data)
Guid operationId = Guid.NewGuid(); // unique identifier for your operation
OperationsService.DoStartOperation(operationId, data); // service starts to perform operation using separate thread
return new JsonResult(operationId); // operation id should be sent to client to allow progress monitoring
public ActionResult GetOperationStatus(Guid operationId)
var status = OperationsService.GetStatus(operationId); // this method returns some object, that describes status of operation (e.g. progress, current task etc.)
return new JsonResult(status); // returning it to client
public ActionResult GetOperationResult(Guid operationId)
var result = OperationsService.GetOperationResult(operationId); // this should throw exception if operation is not yet completed
return new JsonResult(result);
public ActionResult ClearOperation(Guid operationId)
OperationsService.ClearOperationResult(operationId); // we should delete operation result if it was handled by client
return true;
And here are client-side code, that could interact with this controller:
var operationId;
function startOperation(data) {
$.post('/LongOperations/StartOperation', data, function(response) {
operationId = response; // store operationId
startOperationMonitoring(); // start
}, 'json');
function startOperationMonitoring() {
// todo : periodically call updateOperationStatus() to check status at server-side
function updateOperationStatus() {
// todo : get result of GetOperationStatus action from controller
// todo : if status is 'running', update progress bar with value from server, if 'completed' - stop operation monitoring and call finishOperation()
function finishOperation() {
// todo : get result of GetOperationResult action from controller and update UI
// todo : call ClearOperation action from controller to free resources
This is very basic concept, there are some missed items here, but I hope you will get the main idea. Also it's up to you how to design components of this system, for example:
- use singleton for OperationsService,
or not;
- where and how long operation result should be stored (DB? Cache?
- is it really required to manually release resources and what to do when
client stopped to monitor operation
(user closed browser) etc.
Best luck!