You can still use this. It's working on iOS 8.3. I don't know how to get signal strength. Apple has changed many things in Core Telephony lately. :(
CTTelephonyNetworkInfo *telephonyInfo = [CTTelephonyNetworkInfo new];
NSString *carrierNetwork = telephonyInfo.currentRadioAccessTechnology;
NSLog(@"Mobile Network): %@", carrierNetwork);
CTCarrier *carrier = [telephonyInfo subscriberCellularProvider];
NSString *mobileCountryCode = [carrier mobileCountryCode];
NSLog(@"Mobile Country Code (MCC): %@", mobileCountryCode);
NSString *mobileNetworkCode = [carrier mobileNetworkCode];
NSLog(@"Mobile Network Code (MNC): %@", mobileNetworkCode);
NSString *carrierName = [carrier carrierName];
NSLog(@"Mobile Network name: %@", carrierName);
NSString *isoCountryCode = [carrier isoCountryCode];
NSLog(@"Mobile Network isoCode: %@", isoCountryCode);
Edit: I found solution how to get signal strength.
*! Please note that the solution below makes use of private API and as such will be rejected by Apple when submitted to the App Store.
UIApplication *app = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
NSArray *subviews = [[[app valueForKey:@"statusBar"] valueForKey:@"foregroundView"] subviews];
NSString *dataNetworkItemView = nil;
for (id subview in subviews) {
if([subview isKindOfClass:[NSClassFromString(@"UIStatusBarSignalStrengthItemView") class]]) {
dataNetworkItemView = subview;
int signalStrength = [[dataNetworkItemView valueForKey:@"signalStrengthRaw"] intValue];
NSLog(@"signal %d", signalStrength);