Instead of hard-coding the start and end positions of the segments, you may grab this data from the plot object. Here's an alternative where you provide the names of the x categories and bar elements between which the lines should be drawn.
Assign the plot to a variable:
p <- ggplot() +
geom_bar(data = Example,
aes(x = X_Axis, y = Percent, fill = Stack_Group), stat = 'identity', width = 0.5)
Grab data from the plot object (layer_data
; or ggplot_build$data[[1]]
pre-ggplot2 2.0.0
). Convert to data.table
d <- layer_data(p)
In the data from the plot object, the 'x' and 'group' variables are not given explicitly by their name, but as numbers. Because categorical variables are ordered lexicographically in ggplot
, we can match the numbers with their names by their rank
within each 'x':
d[ , r := rank(group), by = x]
Example[ , x := .GRP, by = X_Axis]
Example[ , r := rank(Stack_Group), by = x]
Join to add names of 'X_Axis' and 'Stack_Group' from original data to plot data:
d <- d[Example[ , .(X_Axis, Stack_Group, x, r)], on = .(x, r)]
Set names of x categories and bar elements between which the lines should be drawn:
x_start_nm <- "Count"
x_end_nm <- "Dollars"
e_start <- "A & B"
e_upper <- "A Mixed dollars"
e_lower <- "B Mixed Dollars"
Select relevant parts of the plot object to create start/end data of lines:
d2 <- data.table(x_start = rep(d[X_Axis == x_start_nm & Stack_Group == e_start, xmax], 2),
y_start = d[X_Axis == x_start_nm & Stack_Group == e_start, c(ymax, ymin)],
x_end = rep(d[X_Axis == x_end_nm & Stack_Group == e_upper, xmin], 2),
y_end = c(d[X_Axis == x_end_nm & Stack_Group == e_upper, ymax],
d[X_Axis == x_end_nm & Stack_Group == e_lower, ymin]))
Add line segments to the original plot:
p +
geom_segment(data = d2, aes(x = x_start, xend = x_end, y = y_start, yend = y_end))