I'm trying to deploy Symfony application with heroku. To do this I've followed the official doc from Heroku.
Next , the command git push heroku master
return me an error :
missing variable DATABASE_URL
So, I've added the ressource ClearDB to manage my app with MySQL.
In the config vars , ClearDB has added CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL , and following this tutoriel , I've add DATABASE_URL with the value of CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL.
Actually I've this :
In my Procfile, I've added release to execute command for all deploys :
release: php bin/console cache:clear && php bin/console cache:warmup && php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
But I got an error when I push on heroku master :
To verify this error , I'm connecting to my DB with Sequel Pro, and the tables are presents.
I don't understand why heroku doesn't detect my last migration. For exemple in local this message is sent :
Already at the latest version
but not on the Heroku shell. Also , when I remove alls tables and migrate again, the message :
There is no active transaction
is sent, but on local I got :
I don't understand the differents comportements between Heroku / local shell