The only way to get text selection from a WebView
is based on javascript. This is not specific to the action mode, this is how WebView
text selection is supposed to be retrieved according to WebView
developers' point of view. They deliberately decided to not provide an API to access text selection from Java.
The solution comprise 2 approaches.
With Android API >= 19 you can use evaluateJavascript
webview.evaluateJavascript("(function(){return window.getSelection().toString()})()",
new ValueCallback<String>()
public void onReceiveValue(String value)
Log.v(TAG, "SELECTION:" + value);
On older builds your only resort is a custom javascript interface with a single method accepting String
, which you should call via webview.loadUrl
passing the same thing:
where js
is the attached javascript interface:
webview.addJavascriptInterface(new WebAppInterface(), "js");
public class WebAppInterface
public void callback(String value)
Log.v(TAG, "SELECTION:" + value);