"What is going on? Are any of these correct?"
Except for the google chart (which is just empty), your QR codes are correct.
You can see the binary data from zxing is what you would expect:
4: Byte mode indicator
0f: length of 15 byte
d15001...: your 15 bytes of data
ec11 is just padding
The problem comes from the decoding. Because most decoders will try to interpret it as text. But since it's binary data, you should not try to handle it as text. Even if you think you can convert it from text to binary, as you saw this may cause issues with values which are not valid text.
So the solution is to use a decoder that will output you the binary data, and not text data.
Now about interpreting the QR code binary data as text, you said the first character should be '?' which is true if interpreted it as "ISO-8859-1",
which according to the QR code standard, is what should be done when there is no ECI mode defined.
But in practice, most smartphone QR code reader will interpret it as UTF-8 in this case (or at least try to auto-detect the encoding).
Even though this is not the standard, this had become common practice:
binary mode with no ECI, UTF-8 encoded text.
Maybe the reason behind it is that no one wants to waste these precious bytes adding an ECI mode specifying UTF-8. And actually, not all decoders support ECI.