For grayscale images, I would use 8-bit BMP. 8 bit BMPs can encode colors with palette. However, if you don't use one, you can simply interpret color values [0...255]
as colors from black (0) to white (255).
Edit: I wouldn't use BMP for 16-bit grayscale images. Technically, you could use 16-bits per pixel BMP format for encoding 16-bit grayscale data ( However in practice this is a bad idea (read: hacky) since that depth is designed to encode alpha, red, green and blue samples of the pixels.
A better format for storing 16-bit per pixel grayscale data is PNG.
Also ask yourself, do you really, really need that extra-precision? For most applications, 8 bits per pixel is just fine (=if you don't have any specific requirements on precision, this would be the case).