Not yet. The match
patterns must be composed of things that can be statically verified by the compiler.
However, you can use a match guard:
fn rd_tree(chars: std::str::Chars) {
while let Some(c) = {
match c {
c if c.is_whitespace() => {}
'(' => {}
')' => {}
_ => {}
A match guard allows you to run a function against whatever the pattern matched.
In the future, constant evaluation may be improved to allow calling functions in place of a pattern:
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Foo {
f: usize,
g: usize,
impl Foo {
const fn repeated(x: usize) -> Self {
Foo { f: x, g: x }
fn main() {
let f = Foo { f: 0, g: 1 };
match f {
const { Foo::repeated(22) } => println!("hi"),
_ => println!("1"),
This work is tracked in issue #57240. RFC 2920 "const expressions and patterns" (and its tracking issue #76001) are also relevant.
It's not immediately obvious to me how this would work with your exact example or a regex without a substantial amount of effort though.