On API level 17 only, here's some code that can be used in an Activity
(or any other Context
child class):
import android.telephony.CellInfo;
import android.telephony.CellInfoCdma;
import android.telephony.CellInfoGsm;
import android.telephony.CellInfoLte;
import android.telephony.CellSignalStrengthCdma;
import android.telephony.CellSignalStrengthGsm;
import android.telephony.CellSignalStrengthLte;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
try {
final TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) this.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
for (final CellInfo info : tm.getAllCellInfo()) {
if (info instanceof CellInfoGsm) {
final CellSignalStrengthGsm gsm = ((CellInfoGsm) info).getCellSignalStrength();
// do what you need
} else if (info instanceof CellInfoCdma) {
final CellSignalStrengthCdma cdma = ((CellInfoCdma) info).getCellSignalStrength();
// do what you need
} else if (info instanceof CellInfoLte) {
final CellSignalStrengthLte lte = ((CellInfoLte) info).getCellSignalStrength();
// do what you need
} else {
throw new Exception("Unknown type of cell signal!");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to obtain cell signal information", e);
Previous versions of Android require you to call the listener, there is no other alternative (see this link).
Also ensure that your application contains the appropriate permissions.