Navigation item back button name will be same as the title of previous view controller which is pushing it to the navigation stack :)
So if VC A pushes VC B, back button in VC B will be A.
So all you can do is, to change the title of the previous viewController before pushing the new viewController using code :)
self.navigationItem.title = "ABCD"
And in ViewWillAppear of VC A,you can revert the title back to whatever it was earlier :)
self.navigationItem.title = "Back to xyz"
All that being said, if you don't want all this circus :) you can simply hide the default back button using,
self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = true
in your VC B, create a UIBarButton item, set whatever the title you want to set and then set that as leftBarButtonItem :) using,
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: NSLocalizedString("ABCD", comment: "ABCD"), style: .plain, target: self, action:#selector(self.abcdTapped:)
of course now that will not show "<" icon :) Now if you want that as well you can add it as a image to back bar button item :) but its cumbersome :)
Hope it helps :)