I think [UITextInput selectedTextRange]
and [UITextInput caretRectForPosition:]
is what you are looking for.
[UITextInput selectedTextRange]
returns the selected range in character
[UITextInput caretRectForPosition:]
returns the CGRect
of the character range in this input.
conforms to UITextInput
(since iOS 5), so you can use these methods for your UITextView
It is going to be something like this.
UITextRange * selectionRange = [textView selectedTextRange];
CGRect selectionStartRect = [textView caretRectForPosition:selectionRange.start];
CGRect selectionEndRect = [textView caretRectForPosition:selectionRange.end];
CGPoint selectionCenterPoint = (CGPoint){(selectionStartRect.origin.x + selectionEndRect.origin.x)/2,(selectionStartRect.origin.y + selectionStartRect.size.height / 2)};
EDIT : Since the sample code became a little hard to get, I added an image for complementing.