I'm trying to achieve the exact same thing at the moment.
I've actually implemented hidden iframe approach and then realized you have to be very careful with iframes. Any malicious website can contain your iframe and get access token easily if you don't specify X-Frame-Options.
Best approach for refreshing token should be password grant as specified by the spec. (I wanted my users to login with their facebook account & implicit flow was easier to develop this. I have not quite figured out how to do this with password grant.)
2nd approach also came accross my mind and seems much safer than the 1st to me, since you can usually trust the https & browser storage to keep your tokens secret.
I realized, even with X-Frame-Options
most browsers can't prevent redirects, because this header is attached to the response body and redirected URL will be exposed, therefore access tokens exposed.
Looks like hash fragment is protected by the browser when accessed from the parent page within different domain. So I assume #access_token
is safe. My bad. Just as a reminder callback page has to store the access token in its own right, instead of (my original intention) delegating it to the parent page like window.parent.storeAccessToken(hash);
which obviously is a dumb thing to do.