I was looking for a way to format numbers without leading or trailing spaces, periods, zeros (except one leading zero for numbers less than 1 that should be present).
This is frustrating that such most usual formatting can't be easily achieved in Oracle.
Even Tom Kyte only suggested long complicated workaround like this:
case when trunc(x)=x
then to_char(x, 'FM999999999999999999')
else to_char(x, 'FM999999999999999.99')
end x
But I was able to find shorter solution that mentions the value only once:
rtrim(to_char(x, 'FM999999999999990.99'), '.')
This works as expected for all possible values:
to_char(num, 'FM99.99') wrong_leading_period,
to_char(num, 'FM90.99') wrong_trailing_period,
rtrim(to_char(num, 'FM90.99'), '.') correct
from (
select num from (select 0.25 c1, 0.1 c2, 1.2 c3, 13 c4, -70 c5 from dual)
unpivot (num for dummy in (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5))
) sampledata;
| .25 | 0.25 | 0.25 |
| .1 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
| 1.2 | 1.2 | 1.2 |
| 13. | 13. | 13 |
| -70. | -70. | -70 |
Still looking for even shorter solution.
There is a shortening approarch with custom helper function:
create or replace function str(num in number) return varchar2
return rtrim(to_char(num, 'FM999999999999990.99'), '.');
But custom pl/sql functions have significant performace overhead that is not suitable for heavy queries.