If i implement my own version of awakeFromNib, should I call [super awakeFromNib] at the end of my method?
[super awakeFromNib]
You must call the super implementation of awakeFromNib to give parent classes the opportunity to perform any additional initialization they require. Although the default implementation of this method does nothing, many UIKit classes provide non-empty implementations. You may call the super implementation at any point during your own awakeFromNib method.
(not true anymore, if using OS X 10.6 or higher)
You should call the super implementation of awakeFromNib only if you know for certain that your superclass provides an implementation. Because the Application Kit does not provide a default implementation of the awakeFromNib method, calling super results in an exception if the parent class does not implement it. Classes whose immediate parent class is NSObject or NSView do not need to call the super implementation. For any other classes, you can use the instancesRespondToSelector: class method of NSObject to determine if the parent class responds to awakeFromNib and call the method if it does.
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