The basic idea, when executing a PHP script is in two steps :
- First: the PHP code, written in plain-text, is compiled to opcodes
- Then: those opcodes are executed.
When you have one PHP script, as long as it is not modified, the opcodes will always be the same ; so, doing the compilation phase each time that script is to be executed is kind of a waste of CPU-time.
To prevent that redundant-compilation, there are some opcode caching mechanism that you can use.
Once the PHP script has been compiled to opcodes, those will be kept in RAM -- and directly used from memory the next time the script is to be executed ; preventing the compilation from being done again and again.
The opcode cache which is used the most is APC - Alternative PHP Cache :
Once APC has been installed and configured properly, there is nothing you have to modify in your PHP code : APC will cache the opcodes, and that is all -- the process is totally invisible for your application.