This is an old question. But seeing as people still appear to be landing on it, I thought I'd provide some modern approaches to multiway clustering in R:
nlswork = haven::read_dta("")
est_feols = feols(ln_wage ~ age | race + year, cluster = ~race+year, data = nlswork)
## An important feature of fixest: We can _instantaneously_ compute other
## VCOV matrices / SEs on the fly with summary.fixest(). No need to re-run
## the model!
summary(est_feols, se = 'standard') ## vanilla SEs
summary(est_feols, se = 'hetero') ## robust SEs
summary(est_feols, se = 'twoway') ## diff syntax, but same as original model
summary(est_feols, cluster = c('race', 'year')) ## ditto
summary(est_feols, cluster = ~race^year) ## interacted cluster vars
summary(est_feols, cluster = ~ race + year + idcode) ## add third cluster var (not in original model call)
## etc.
## Note the third "| 0 " slot means we're not using IV
est_felm = felm(ln_wage ~ age | race + year | 0 | race + year, data = nlswork)
Option 3 (slower, but flexible): sandwich
est_sandwich = lm(ln_wage ~ age + factor(race) + factor(year), data = nlswork)
coeftest(est_sandwich, vcov = vcovCL, cluster = ~ race + year)
Aaaand, just to belabour the point about speed. Here's a benchmark of the three different approaches (using two fixed FEs and twoway clustering).
est_feols = function() feols(ln_wage ~ age | race + year, cluster = ~race+year, data = nlswork)
est_felm = function() felm(ln_wage ~ age | race + year | 0 | race + year, data = nlswork)
est_standwich = function() {coeftest(lm(ln_wage ~ age + factor(race) + factor(year), data = nlswork),
vcov = vcovCL, cluster = ~ race + year)}
microbenchmark(est_feols(), est_felm(), est_standwich(), times = 3)
#> Unit: milliseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
#> est_feols() 11.94122 11.96158 12.55835 11.98193 12.86692 13.75191 3 a
#> est_felm() 87.18064 95.89905 100.69589 104.61746 107.45352 110.28957 3 b
#> est_standwich() 176.43502 183.95964 188.50271 191.48425 194.53656 197.58886 3 c