In projects using CMake to drive the build process, you can use a macro like this to implement a portable version that works on any compiler or platform. Though personally I pity the fool who must use something other than gcc... :)
# Helper function to add preprocesor definition of FILE_BASENAME
# to pass the filename without directory path for debugging use.
# Note that in header files this is not consistent with
# __FILE__ and __LINE__ since FILE_BASENAME will be the
# compilation unit source file name (.c/.cpp).
# Example:
# define_file_basename_for_sources(my_target)
# Will add -DFILE_BASENAME="filename" for each source file depended on
# by my_target, where filename is the name of the file.
function(define_file_basename_for_sources targetname)
get_target_property(source_files "${targetname}" SOURCES)
foreach(sourcefile ${source_files})
# Add the FILE_BASENAME=filename compile definition to the list.
get_filename_component(basename "${sourcefile}" NAME)
# Set the updated compile definitions on the source file.
SOURCE "${sourcefile}" APPEND
Then to use the macro, just call it with the name of the CMake target: