We are currently using an angular route guard and Cognito Hosted UI to protect routes when the user is not authenticated. This works great, but I am trying to prevent the page from showing at all until the redirect/oauth flow is completed.
The way it is now:
When url of the application is hit, the page shows for maybe 1/2 to 1 second and then redirects to hosted ui. User signs in and it redirects back to the page.
I am trying to prevent the page from showing for that brief 1/2 - 1 second so that nothing can be seen (just a blank white page) until the user is authorized.
Here's the code example that doesn't do the job:
canActivate(next: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<boolean | UrlTree> | Promise<boolean | UrlTree> | boolean | UrlTree {
return new Promise<boolean>((resolve, reject) => {
.catch((error: any) => {
.then((result: boolean) => {
if (!result) {
window.location.href = this.authenticationService.getCognitoLoginUrl();