Yes, this is true.
knows the size of the memory chunk because new
adds extra information to the chunk (usually before the area returned to the user), containing its size, along with other information. Note that this is all very much implementation specific and shouldn't be used by your code.
So to answer your last question: No - we can't use it - it's an implementation detail that's highly platform and compiler dependent.
For example, in the sample memory allocator demonstrated in K&R2, this is the "header" placed before each allocated chunk:
typedef long Align; /* for alignment to long boundary */
union header { /* block header */
struct {
union header *ptr; /* next block if on free list */
unsigned size; /* size of this block */
} s;
Align x; /* force alignment of blocks */
typedef union header Header;
is the size of the allocated block (that's then used by free
, or delete