According to changes made on DropBox metioned here:
There would be no more Public folders, instead access to files can be done via Share Link.
If you use Android DropBox Core Api then shared link can be retrieved this way:
// Get the metadata for a directory
Entry dirent = mApi.metadata(mPath, 1000, null, true, null);
for (Entry ent : dirent.contents) {
String shareAddress = null;
if (!ent.isDir) {
DropboxLink shareLink = mApi.share(ent.path);
shareAddress = getShareURL(shareLink.url).replaceFirst("https://www", "https://dl");
Log.d(TAG, "dropbox share link " + shareAddress);
UPDATE: 2014/07/20 by Dheeraj Bhaskar
Use the following helper function alongwith the above function.
Since DropBox started to send shortened links it is little bit more problematic to get proper link.
For now, I am using this method :
We simply load the URL, follow the redirects and get the new URL.
String getShareURL(String strURL) {
URLConnection conn = null;
String redirectedUrl = null;
try {
URL inputURL = new URL(strURL);
conn = inputURL.openConnection();
InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
System.out.println("Redirected URL: " + conn.getURL());
redirectedUrl = conn.getURL().toString();
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Please input a valid URL");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Log.d(TAG, "Can not connect to the URL");
return redirectedUrl;
Note: All of this should be done of course in AsyncTask or Thread. This will produce proper links ready to download
Update 2014/07/25: Change in dropbox share URLs
A heads-up on the kind of URLs to expect
From the Dropbox team:
We wanted to give you a heads up about an upcoming change to the URL
structure of Dropbox shared links. While not part of the API, the
change could affect apps that manipulate the URLs returned from the
/shares endpoint or the "preview" link type returned by the Chooser
Links returned will now have a ?dl=0 appended to them.
E.g., instead of, you'll
receive URLs
like this link