You can also do either of the following functions to get the value since there's only one element in the array.
$value = reset( $array);
$value = current( $array);
$value = end( $array);
Also, if you want to use array_keys()
, you'd need to do:
$keys = array_keys( $array);
echo $array[ $keys[0] ];
To get the value.
As some more options, you can ALSO use array_pop()
or array_shift()
to get the value:
$value = array_pop( $array);
$value = array_shift( $array);
Finally, you can use array_values()
to get all the values of the array, then take the first:
$values = array_values( $array);
echo $values[0];
Of course, there are lots of other alternatives; some silly, some useful.
$value = pos($array);
$value = implode('', $array);
$value = current(array_slice($array, 0, 1));
$value = current(array_splice($array, 0, 1));
$value = vsprintf('%s', $array);
foreach($array as $value);
list(,$value) = each($array);