This works for regular HTML entities, UTF-8 emoticons (and other utf stuff) as well as regular strings of course.
I was just having trouble with empty string value, so I had to put this condition into the function.
function entities( $string ) {
$stringBuilder = "";
$offset = 0;
if ( empty( $string ) ) {
return "";
while ( $offset >= 0 ) {
$decValue = ordutf8( $string, $offset );
$char = unichr($decValue);
$htmlEntited = htmlentities( $char );
if( $char != $htmlEntited ){
$stringBuilder .= $htmlEntited;
} elseif( $decValue >= 128 ){
$stringBuilder .= "&#" . $decValue . ";";
} else {
$stringBuilder .= $char;
return $stringBuilder;
// source -
function ordutf8($string, &$offset) {
$code = ord(substr($string, $offset,1));
if ($code >= 128) { //otherwise 0xxxxxxx
if ($code < 224) $bytesnumber = 2; //110xxxxx
else if ($code < 240) $bytesnumber = 3; //1110xxxx
else if ($code < 248) $bytesnumber = 4; //11110xxx
$codetemp = $code - 192 - ($bytesnumber > 2 ? 32 : 0) - ($bytesnumber > 3 ? 16 : 0);
for ($i = 2; $i <= $bytesnumber; $i++) {
$offset ++;
$code2 = ord(substr($string, $offset, 1)) - 128; //10xxxxxx
$codetemp = $codetemp*64 + $code2;
$code = $codetemp;
$offset += 1;
if ($offset >= strlen($string)) $offset = -1;
return $code;
// source -
function unichr($u) {
return mb_convert_encoding('&#' . intval($u) . ';', 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES');
/* ---- */
var_dump( entities( "&" ) ) . "
var_dump( entities( "<" ) ) . "
var_dump( entities( "??" ) ) . "
var_dump( entities( "?" ) ) . "
var_dump( entities( "" ) ) . "
var_dump( entities( "A" ) ) . "
var_dump( entities( "Hello ?? world" ) ) . "
var_dump( entities( "this & that ??" ) ) . "