If you wanted to build something like this yourself from scratch, you'd use something called TF/IDF: Term Frequency / Inverse document frequency. That means, to simplify it enormously, you find words in the query that are uncommon in the corpus as a whole and find documents that have those words.
In other words, if someone enters a query with the words "I want to buy an elephant" in it, then of the words in the query, the word "elephant" is probably the least common word in your corpus. "Buy" is probably next. So you rank documents (in your case, previous queries) by how much they contain the word "elephant" and then how much they contain the word "buy". The words "I", "to" and "an" are probably in a stop-list, so you ignore them altogether. You rank each document (previous query, in your case) by how many matching words there are (weighting according to inverse document frequency -- i.e. high weight for uncommon words) and show the top few.
I've oversimplified, and you'd need to read up on this to get it right, but it's really not terribly complicated to implement in a simple way. The Wikipedia page might be a good place to start: